How to style: Flare Pants - Chromantics

How to style: Flare Pants

11:08 PM

Spring has sprung and we are totally in the mood. Every season has her own trends and for this spring 70's rule the "trend club". In this post we will talk about how to style our flare pants. Whatever you decide to go for jeans or not, plain or printed, simple or textured, we are totally by your side. The reason that we love flares is that this kind of pants can make our outfits look like their from a different era combined with simple pieces. You want to be indie or more 70's-looking? Suede flares are definitely in favour. You want to create a french-look? Blue flares are here to save you. So, here we are to suggest some ideas of how to style FLARES. 

1. The denim

Probably the most basic type of flares in a woman's wardrobe. Denim flares are our favorites and one of the "must haves" in our closets. Because summer is coming and the temperature is raising the ideal way to wear these is our comfortable shirt. In blue, green or white tones we can create a more loose outfit that we can wear from morning till the noon. With just one move -just turn the sleeves and/or tuck it in- we can change the way of our outfit. And because it is denim, accessories are important.

2. The white

If you want to create the most summery outfit in the middle of spring choose the white flare. White is a little bit risky not only on flares but generally at jeans and pants. You have to be really careful with your underwear because lot of girls don't know what to wear and then the result is not so flattering. Dare to wear a total white outfit. There is nothing more classy than this combination, the secret lies within the the bold details. Wear a red lipstick or keep an orange bag. Otherwise, if you are not a big fan of this combo, your daily shirt or your crop top will be ideal, if you go for high-waisted flares.

3. The printed 

The next category is not suitable for every body type. When prints are on table we have to be very careful. If you want to wear a printed, low rise flare  try to wear something more oversized on top. Another thing you can try is wearing vertical stripped flares in order to add length and not volume to your figure. Besides that, when you match printed flares be careful with the other pieces. Don't try that much. Always try to have a harmony in your outfit. So prefer monochrome tops with some details such as lace or suede. 

4. The colorful

Bring some color to your life and put a colorful flare. Spring needs some color so why not? As we said before 70's are on right now. So, choose a theme for your weekend trips and bring back the old good '70s vibes. On the other hand, when you choose colors such as orange, red, green or blue try the rest of your outfit to have a balance. Just focus on the flare and keep building the rest outfit. 

5. The monochrome

It is classy and feminine. The black or deep blue denim flare is the epitome of class. Combine it with marine sweaters or t-shirts, denim shirts and simple airy tops. Jackets, hats and gold jewels. From work till your night drink it is just perfect. 

The biggest problem with those pants is what shoes I have to wear. 

The answer is pretty simple. Because of the volume that those flares ends, you have to choose shoes with volume too. If you are with the heels team, platforms or heels with thick soles are the  perfect match for the flares. On the other hand, for your daily outfits, sandals, flatforms or even converse are just perfect. 

Thanks for reading.

Images via Google images

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