1:24 AMNew York Fashion Week is here, and as it happens each season we will be here with you reporting our favourite shows and giving you all the details of the hits, the misses and the things we need to have up until spring. So dive in, and let the fashion month begin! In case you missed the first few days of NYFW click the link:
DAY 1, DAY 2, DAY 3, DAY 4, DAY 5, DAY 6, DAY 7, DAY 8
Can you believe it? We most certainly can't!! 9 long full of fashion, runways, street style, after-parties, front rows and not to mention the pre Fashion Week period! But as we mentioned on our previous post (you can find all the our recaps from the NYFW just above) we will be with you for the remaining of the Fashion Month and that means that you have to stay tuned for London, Milan and Paris.
And the New York Fashion Week Day 9 ended with the Marc Jacobs show. Firstly, we are talking about Marc Jacobs, the master of making a runway looking like something else than a runway. The guy that has a magic power to transport you from your front row seat to the moon and back. He did just like that. He took the Hammerstein Ballroom, gave it lights and the magic happend. A lot of designers this week opted for flowers, grunge, nudes, fairytales. Not Marc.
He decided to throw a rave party. Why not? It's his fashion show for all what we are concerned. If it is a rave party from Marc, trust me you want to be there. Because he can do it and do it in the most stylist, i-want-it-all-now phase. Yes we even want the 7-inch high heels that strutted down the runway. The official theme (if we can call it like that) was alienation. He stated "I felt we should do something friendlier, kinder, pretty, lots of prints. Except," he declared "I did it my way." (slowly we put the record of Frank Sinatra singing "I did it my way").
Concerning the show? It had everything from wigs, to sky-high 7-inch boots to the elite of top models going down the runway. The show might have started out with a pastel color palette, but it moved into bright rave wear quickly; shocking pink and royal purple appeared alongside camouflage prints.
I don't think we have more to say, we will just let you enjoy it yourself as well!
And since it's the last day of the New York Fashion Week we will do mix of the best parties of that happened during the week. A last look to our favourite celebrities, it girls, designers, bloggers.
And last day inspiration coming from New York city ;)

That's it from NYFW, let us know if you enjoyed in the comments below, see you in London baby! Find us on our social media:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more!
Written by Doxy Pantazi, Chromantics Fashion Editor
Sources: Vogue.com, wwd.com, bfa.com
Can you believe it? We most certainly can't!! 9 long full of fashion, runways, street style, after-parties, front rows and not to mention the pre Fashion Week period! But as we mentioned on our previous post (you can find all the our recaps from the NYFW just above) we will be with you for the remaining of the Fashion Month and that means that you have to stay tuned for London, Milan and Paris.
And the New York Fashion Week Day 9 ended with the Marc Jacobs show. Firstly, we are talking about Marc Jacobs, the master of making a runway looking like something else than a runway. The guy that has a magic power to transport you from your front row seat to the moon and back. He did just like that. He took the Hammerstein Ballroom, gave it lights and the magic happend. A lot of designers this week opted for flowers, grunge, nudes, fairytales. Not Marc.
He decided to throw a rave party. Why not? It's his fashion show for all what we are concerned. If it is a rave party from Marc, trust me you want to be there. Because he can do it and do it in the most stylist, i-want-it-all-now phase. Yes we even want the 7-inch high heels that strutted down the runway. The official theme (if we can call it like that) was alienation. He stated "I felt we should do something friendlier, kinder, pretty, lots of prints. Except," he declared "I did it my way." (slowly we put the record of Frank Sinatra singing "I did it my way").
Concerning the show? It had everything from wigs, to sky-high 7-inch boots to the elite of top models going down the runway. The show might have started out with a pastel color palette, but it moved into bright rave wear quickly; shocking pink and royal purple appeared alongside camouflage prints.
I don't think we have more to say, we will just let you enjoy it yourself as well!
And since it's the last day of the New York Fashion Week we will do mix of the best parties of that happened during the week. A last look to our favourite celebrities, it girls, designers, bloggers.
And last day inspiration coming from New York city ;)

That's it from NYFW, let us know if you enjoyed in the comments below, see you in London baby! Find us on our social media:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more!
Written by Doxy Pantazi, Chromantics Fashion Editor
Sources: Vogue.com, wwd.com, bfa.com