November Favorites
10:38 PM

As you can see in the man picture, today i bought again the Benefit Real One Mascara. (Yeahhh). Sephora had 35% discout so I grab the change and i went. The truth is that the other was finished and i was thinking of buying it again because it was expensive. I bought the mascara 16.50E. I think this is probably the most awesome mascara ever. Next to the Benefit, you will see the Primer Lash by Mac. I mentioned this primer lots of times. Read again this post with Mac fever .
Next favorite of this week is this awesome pink-berry wintery color. Of course by Mac. Dollymix the name of the blusher. I am totally in love with this blusher. I am wearing in all the time and I think that is a beautiful color for the winter.
Again Mac. Sorry but I went to the store and the had 25% off. What can I do? Here you can see an eye shadow pallet "Showstopper". The first color name is Oh my darling (F), Jest (F), Mineralism (L) and Showstopper (M). The same day I bought and the mascara but i forget to put it on my favorites. I you want a post leave a comment bellow.
Here you can see again all the products. This lip pencil is for the Ruby Woo lipstick by Mac and the name of it Brick. Lovely color. I think one day I'll just have my lips only with the pencil. I will let you know if it's good. Those lipstick (again mac) are the Diva and the Twig. Both of them are wonderful colors. Of course the Diva one is more formal and the Twig more every day lipstick. Again looove with them.
The last product is my faaaaavorite. All straight from London this powder came. (Thanks Evaa). Rimmel and Stay Matte= awesome combination. I love the color of this powder because is pink and the other one that I have are just yellow and I don't like that. Also, it smells like a baby which is awesome. And I am looking forword to test more Rimmel products.
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